To obtain service, please call or email Martin-Protean.
Protein Structure Products
Validate correct disulfides |
Validate glycosylation |
Detect anomalous postranslational modifcation |
Guidelines for submitting protein |
Validate correct disulfides
To confirm that your biosimilar, biobetter, new therapeutic protein, or pilot protein expression contains the disulfides found
in the native protein send 100ug of your protein prep and the amino acid sequence to Martin-Protean, we'll do the rest. We
have aggressive denaturation and proteolysis protocols that enable obtaining native disulfide linked peptides that maybe ionized
and fragmented in an LCMSMS experiment. By splitting the proteolysis and reducing (with TCEP) and alkylating we also generate a
sample with the constituent peptides Over the past 8 years Martin-Protean developed the underlying technical capabilities to determine
the three-dimensional structure of a protein without needing protein crystals and without nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR). For more information
Martin-Protean today.
Discover protein-protein interfaces in solution
Using the technologies developed to determine protein three dimensional structure and our
technology for probing the solvent accessibility of protein surfaces to constrain them
Martin-Protean guides its own proprietary protein docking software to obtain the structure of your
proteins in complex in solution. For more information contact
Martin-Protean today.
Discover drug-binding sites on proteins in solution
Using our solvent accessibility probing technology to constrain it Martin-Protean guides its own
drug docking software to obtain the structure of the protein-drug complex in solution.
For more information contact
Martin-Protean today.
Guidelines to submit plasmids encoding proteins for expression and analysis:
To perform its analyses, Martin-Protean will produce its own versions of your protein. To do this we will begin with either
the plasmid you provide containing the gene for the protein of interest, or the sequence for that gene. Martin-Protean
will also leverage whatever information you provide regarding effective recombinant expression systems and obtained expression levels.
To submit plasmid DNA simply put 500ng of DNA (3-5uL of miniprepped DNA) in a labeled eppendorf tube.